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From our modest beginnings in Université de Lille with a small team made by 3 members to a group employing over 40 colleagues, GRASP EARTH stands as a solid private research organization in continuous evolution.


Graspers come from all over the globe. We are proud to form a rich multicultural coalition sharing the same language: science! In this regard, scientific research in atmosphere and surface is vast, bringing over 20 new scientific papers every year.


Since GRASP and AirPhoton merged, we have presence in 3 countries currently: France (Lille), Spain (Valladolid) and USA (Baltimore). This permits to improve our operations and also bring new talents from each continent every year.

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Our team of enthusiasts include internationally recognized scientists who met at NASA in the 90s. For more than 25 years of cooperation we have authored over 70 publications in the field and accumulated since an amazing depth and breadth of experience in aerosol monitoring.

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In this regard, our team also accounts with a remarkable amount of citations on GRASP code, which today goes up to 80,000 thanks to our open source community made by more than 1500 users that continuously contribute to scientific research.

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The deep expertise of Graspers continuously contribute to international projects, covering different fields such as remote sensing from space and ground, data processing, modeling, as well as designing and manufacturing  instrumentation for space and ground observations.

David Fuertes
Co-Founder & CEO

Oleg Dubovik
Co-founder & Consultant

Benjamin Torres
Co-founder & Consultant

Pavel Litvinov
Chief Scientific Officer

Lorraine Remer
Chief Scientific Officer

Richard Kleidman
Chief Operations Officer

Vanderlei Martins
Chief Technical Officer

John Hall
Chief Production Officer

Guillermo Alfonso

Juan Carlos Antuna
Senior Scientific Officer

Abhinna Behera
Scientific Officer

Goyo Cancio
Software & Data Engineer

Andrea Cano

Dominik Cieslak
Electrical Engineer

Magda Cieslak
Scientific Programmer

Eric Deimos

Edgar Diez
Software & Data Engineer

Margot Dubovik
Administrative Assistant

Roberto Fernandez
Instrument Scientist

Alejandro Garcia
Software & Data Engineer

Jake Goldstein
Instrument Intern

Conine Hall
Operations Manager

Milagros Herrera
Scientific Officer | PhD

Marcos Herreras
Scientific Officer | PhD

Konstantin Kuznetsov
Scientific Officer | PhD

Chong Li
Scientific Officer

Zhen Liu
Scientific Officer | PhD

Eliot Llopis
Business Development

Anton Lopatin
Senior Scientific Officer

Paula Lopez
Administrative Assistant

Christian Matar
Senior Scientific Officer

Brent McBride
Instrument Scientist

Gary McDaniel
Business Advisor

Masahiro Momoi
Scientific Officer | PhD

Daniel Moses
Shop Manager

Danny Nelson
Systems Engineer

Fernando Rejano
Scientific Officer | PhD

Aharon Turpie
Software Engineer

Paul Tygat
Software & Data Engineer

Manuel Veloso

Henry Washington
Mechanical Engineer

Mitch Weiss
Instrument Scientist

Richard Xu
Remote Sensing Scientist

Siyao Zhai
Scientific Officer | PhD



We are a vibrant open scientific team that loves sharing science. If the field of space, remote sensing and Environmental Sciences is of interest to you, do not hesitate to get in touch!