Aerosols play a critical role in the Earth’s climate system, impacting air quality, cloud formation, and energy balance. The Luminous Campaign aims to deepen our understanding of aerosol properties that are directly relevant to climate change, leveraging science, technology and strategic collaborations.

The Luminous Campaign is currently operational at two key locations: the Granada station (UGR) and the Sierra Nevada station (SNS). Both sites are equipped with advanced instruments to study aerosol behavior and its climatic implications. These deployments provide robust data collection across different environments, enabling comprehensive analysis of aerosol properties.

Instruments deployed at UGR:

Instruments deployed at UGR:

  • AirPhoton IMAP
  • TSI Nephelometer
  • SMPS
  • APS
  • Aethelometer
  • MAAP

Recent highlights

[image 1] Dust Events Observed (July 19–20)
The instruments captured significant dust events during this period, showcasing the campaign’s ability to monitor atmospheric changes in real-time.

[image 2] Terra/MODIS Image (July 17)
A striking satellite image from Terra/MODIS revealed extensive dust plumes sweeping across the region, heading toward Spain and the Atlantic. The image also highlights the strategic deployment of an IMAP instrument in Barbados, allowing researchers to track transatlantic dust movement.

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