Satellite products for Air Quality application course 2025.

GRASP Earth AirPhoton CMO Richard Kleidman organizes an open introductory and an advanced training course about satellite data uses for air quality monitoring in Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore, India.

Introductory course:
Introduction to satellite products for Air Quality Applications
🗓️ Feb 16th-20th

Advanced course:
Advanced application of remote sensing data using GRASP
🗓️ Feb 20th-21st

About the convener:

Richard Kleidman is the CMO of AirPhoton Inc, the U.S. division of GRASP-Earth. He has been working in the field of satellite remote sensing since 1993. In 2007, he began presenting satellite remote sensing training sessions for NASA’s Climate and Radiation Branch, and in 2010, he co-founded NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing and Training (ARSET) program. Richard has led numerous workshops for ARSET, NASA, and AirPhoton, providing training for air quality professionals new to satellite remote sensing. He continues to develop and deliver both web-based and in-person events for GRASP-Earth.

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